Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our Prizegiving Item

On Thursday 9th December the seniors had their prizegiving. We all had to perform to our parents and other kids. Before we performed, Mr Burt gave out certificates and even some trophies for the students who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd in Year 5.
Our dance is performed to the song "Night of Your Life" by J Williams. He's a New Zealand singer and we think he's amazing.
We've finished school for the year now and look forward to, Christmas, holidays and being year 6s.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

My 3 sister

This is my three sister there name is angrl michelle and karen.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

family photo


The time there going to the ball

This is my sister and my mum and philip this was the night when my sister and philip was going to the ball.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Spreading disease the cockroaches were scurring for leftovers in the kitchen by using its antenany cockroaches are able to communicate with each other.Despite having large compound
eyes that look left and right cockroaches have poor eye sight.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Swimming reflections

I have enjoyed learning lots of swimming leosen i have learnt that when you swim you have to keep your body up so you dont drawn i wish that we keep the pool untill week 7 my goal is to keep learning how to stay under the water untill i get to the other side of the pool. i have achieved my goal when we swim on our back with a bigiboard i still need to learn how to swim with out a bigiboard i learnt that i need to practies how to swim on my back with out stopping i want to learn how to swim to the other side and back with out getting up i want to be able to swim in the pool from morning till home time.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Jessica Bug.

When Rm14 did art we had to draw our favriot critter i drewed aa beatle then we had to colour it inand leave no white bits and colour the out side blake and when its all finished you die it on top of yor picture and on the picture.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


As the butterflie layes an egg it hatches between three and twalve days later it hatched into a caterpillar.
When the caterpillar starts to eat it eats milky leaves as it grows big and fat it makes a chrysalis on a swomp plant.
As it finished the chrysilis it turned into a butterflie and as it comes out it waits until its wings are dry befor it can fly.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Very quickly the bee was buzzing and spinning and it appeared out of control, as it flew from one flower to the next. As the bee zigzagged and dodged it was flitting his wings. On top of the flower, the bee collects precious nectar too make honey.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake was bron in 1540 in England. He worked for Queen Elizabeth 1 as a privateer. Drake was the first Englishman to sail around the world in his ship called the Golden Hinde. The Queen told Francis to go to Spanish territor and battle them for their gold. Queen Elizabeth also gave Sir Francis Drake some money and a boat and told him to circumnavigate the globe.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Cross Country

It was a cold and spitting day as I was running. I had numb feet, even though the sun was trying to shine. I felt nervous as I jogged along with my feet getting covered in mud. After the race I felt dizzy and tired. I had a stitch, but I just kept on running anyway. When I was near to the finish line I felt proud, as I had achieved my goal and come 5th. (Even though my sister - Mary had beaten me.)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jesse Martin

Jesse Martin was a young and brave boy who sailed across the sea solo with his
family supporting him.
Jesse Martin circumnavigated the world to achieve his goal.

With determination and perseverance, Jesse Martin circumnavigated the world.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Pirate

This is a movie of my pirate ship. It shows it sailing across the ocean.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Shopping Story

In the holiday me and my aunty went shopping. We shopped at Westfield. We first went to Kmart to buy some clothes for me, for my cousin's birthday. While my aunty was picking my clothes, I was just playing with the the basketball. It took 30 minutes to find my clothes and shoes. Then we went to buy some Wendys. We bought a hot dog and a milk shake then we went home.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Our Pirate Wordle - July 26 2010

We wrote a story about our made up Pirates and then we changed it into a Wordle. The big words shows all the most important words we wrote in our story, the small words means we never used them that much. Our group hopes you like it.
by Hosannah, Jessica, and Mary V

Sanimaco Erupts - July 8 2010

I enjoyed watching the volcano erupting our village. But we need did need to work
as a team all together. My group did really well by making our village and volcano.
I learnt that volcanos needs pressure to erupt. Next time we will try and get a higher mark.

My Story about Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was born in 1954 He taught himself how to dance and sing. He was so popular
that everyone knows Michael Jackson is the King of pop. Michael Jackson is from the United States and he is very fashionable too.

R.I.P Michael Jackson - June 25 2010

by Eleva, Jessica, Sesalina, Turuhira

Volcano Report - June 4 2010

by Jesiah, Jessica, Studamyer

Iron Brion - May 6 2010

Yesterday we learnt about five things. Like: before we come to school we need

to have breakfast like weetbix toast and tea. We learnt things about
vegetables and fruit and about where calcium comes from. Also about how we need milk to keep our
bones strong . Yesterday we ate burgers and Iron Brion was dancing and making jokes.

Our Volcano Song

Take a look at our cool song. Listen carefully - our lyrics have been carefully written and we are proud of our song.
by Jessica, Maru, Mary L, Sesalina

Play Sensible Games

The girls have been learning about how to play sensible games at school and how this idea keeps everybody happy and safe.
by Jessica, Maru, Mary L, Sesalina

Camp Thoughts -March 16 2010

Waka Animation - February 23 2010

Jessica has made this Hyperstudio animation showing us the long and dangerous journey that the Maori took to reach New Zealand over 700 years ago.

February 2010 in Room 14

Have a fabulous year in Room 14 Jessica!