.Dutch painter
.Most famous paints
.LIttle recognition not very famous at that time
.1 painting sold in his lifetime
.He was born on march 30 1853
.16 years of age he went to hague
.brother theo became dealer
VINCENT VAN GOGH was a dutch painter he was the most famous painter in history but he was a little recognition and was not very famous at that time.And then he sold one of his painting.
Vincent van gogh was born on march the 30th in 1853 he was 16 when he went to the hague.His brother theo became a dealer.
.Most famous paints
.LIttle recognition not very famous at that time
.1 painting sold in his lifetime
.He was born on march 30 1853
.16 years of age he went to hague
.brother theo became dealer
VINCENT VAN GOGH was a dutch painter he was the most famous painter in history but he was a little recognition and was not very famous at that time.And then he sold one of his painting.
Vincent van gogh was born on march the 30th in 1853 he was 16 when he went to the hague.His brother theo became a dealer.